Friday, 24 February 2012

Recognize your worth.
Hold it, like water, cupped, in hands upturned.
  Be careful. It slips through.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Epitaph for Apathy:

Here she lies, beloved wife of Lethargy, 
loving mother of two lazy children. 
"Art and politics, are best experienced from far away. 
Fire is hottest close up."

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Time Passes

Time passes
That’s what it does
Time passes like an impatient driver passing in the left lane.
Revs the engine, glares out the passenger side window
Time passes.

Precipitation falls.
That’s what it does
It falls, racing to the ground, to finally rest, to hit the pavement, settling, only to be summoned again, not ready to ascend but up it goes. Time waits for no droplet.

Future happens.
Future happens when you’re busy sitting on a chair, cushions surrounding, fingers flailing, clicking, clicking.
Future happens when, inspired, poems distract you from the task at hand.
The task at hand distracts you from the future, (the present) and so it goes.
Time passes.